Yeah, I agree Soup..............single in the service.
Plus every year getting a uniform alotment to refit any unserviceable gear. Nice especially if you didn't wreck yer stuff. Free Money!!!!
Hey, in WWII, the airborne were offered an extra $50.00 a month, "Hazzard Pay", to jump................................. What kind of "HAZZARD PAY" are the troops getting now a day's?
I dated a girl whose Dad was an E7 in the Airforce. They lived onbase at Hickam in a really nice townhome. They had a BMW, a Jeep Cherokee and a Bayliner Boat. They also had 2 other kids. They lived pretty good. but he was an E7 too.
I made $1200 a month as an E4, but all my expenses were paid. barracks, utilities, chow pass. The only thing I had was a motorcycle payment and a drinking habit. I got 30 days of leave, free medical and dental. and I got to travel. For me, the military was a great deal. I still kick my ass for getting out.
I was the same for me, but the times have changed Soup....Nowadays, the medical/dental is NOT free....It's a discount DELTA plan....It just gets worse from there...
go ahead t, It would not be the first time someone said something controversial. <--- is that spelled right DA probably thinks I am Bush's little brother
go ahead t....let 'er rip....this thread was made for it....besides, our Founding Fathers didn't see eye-to-eye, yaknow? Our country was founded by people that didn't get cool is that?
I'm all for robust debate (and an occasional verbal pummeling) hahaha
Ah, it would just go along with what most here prolly think anyway. I think the military pay stinks and that this entitlement mentality sucks and that our government officials should live on less and get fewer perks.
It's not really entitlement to the troops t....The troops sign a contract for enlistment, so in essence they are CONTRACTORS, and as such, the government agrees to provide them with basic--and I mean BASIC entitlements....Now the bigwigs, on the other hand...that's a whole different story...
CygnusX1 wrote:It's not really entitlement to the troops t....The troops sign a contract for enlistment, so in essence they are CONTRACTORS, and as such, the government agrees to provide them with basic--and I mean BASIC entitlements....Now the bigwigs, on the other hand...that's a whole different story...
You misunderstand me, and I can see why, as I did not specify.
I do not think the troops are entitlement minded. They deserve to be paid. It is the government officials (and many others in this country who want the good life but aren't willing to work) who have the entitlement mentality. The troops work and they work HARD.