Geddy is HOT!!!
I haven't posted this in a while but it needs to be bumped.
The man is hot HOT. And not always in the silly "girly" sense (although that is VERY imPOTent)
His constant thumping on a bass guitar that is not matched is so great to watch. Al's guitar put in well with a symphony of bass. Soo koo for the three of them.
We're so lucky to have that musica.
His eyes are wise whether in an interview or bullying his bass while his beautiful voice wails or goes deep. Intelligent.
He sings Neil's lyrics like he OWNS them. NOYCE.
He pulls it together as "front man" and I absolutely LOVE it. The CHARM, the charisma, the grace, the work, the talent. What a powerhouse. NOT that he is the "biggie" or anything. They ALL make it a powerhouse. Something over time a lot of us can't do.
Al's guitar is magic in motion and we ALL adore Neil. Lordy.
How they REAAAAAAALY do it is still up for grabs. I, myself, am lucky to be a fan and have all this available for me to enjoy, and I'm grateful.
Rush is RUSH is RUSH to me but I'm posting this on the Geddy's HOT thread.
Geddy's HOT!
Thank you. I'm off now (for a while)