Soup4Rush wrote:Dear God,
I know you will read this because we all know you are a Rush fan and this is your favorite Rush board, so please do me a favor. Please do not let the Pats win the Superbowl this season and please do not let the Red Sox win the World Series again. I know you hate the Cubs and I can live with that. Maybe the White Sox, that would be OK, or maybe you can shine your light on our fearless leader's A's... but I can't deal with anymore world champ talk and you do not want me violating any of your commandants. Also can you give some of your blessing to the Colts?
Kares, that's unfortunate.
The camera angle was different than earlier in the year these last 3 nights.
Ged is usually the first perosn on the left of the screen. Tonight he was in the 4th seat from the left. No logos covering his face this week.
Soup, we have to say World Champions for our guys
because for the Sox it was 86 miserable years, including some infamous collapses, and lucky home runs.
For the Pats, we were the absolute laughingstock of the league in the early 80's off and on the field. We were lower than the Cardinals are looked upon now. So for things to turn around the way they have, we New Englanders need to take advantage of the situation. Cus it sure isn't gonna last much longer. I doubt either the Sox or Pats will win it all, but we got a shot.