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Post by Aerosmitten »

Slaine mac Roth wrote:You're best way to find out about us is to go into some of the threads. You'll get a clearer picture than by anyone telling you what's happening. On the whole, you'll find the people here pretty friendly and hopelessly insane. You have been warned :twisted:
If you're meaning Sir M and I, she already knows us. :wink:
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Lady M
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Little Bit About Me

Post by Lady M »

Hi again! :D

Thanks Elfdude for the nice greetings and thanks for letting me know where I can find out more about you, I'd really like to get to know everyone here. :) Just to say a few things about myself: I'm currently in school- the wonderful world of university :P I'm a huge art fanatic- I love painting and sketching, it's sort of a passion of mine. It is something that I have loved for longer than I can remember :D I love animals too- Im a sucker for them lol :P I want to be something like a clinical psychologist when I grow up- do something to help other people. My favourite colours- reds, purples, blues- who am I kidding I love them all! LOL.
I'm kind of a young one I guess- I dont know how old everyone else is on the forum though. Hmm...I have a pretty vivid imagination and just like to have fun!:D I recently found faith- its the greatest thing for me right now :)
Im a pretty happy person overall- I got someone pretty special and I love life. If you guys have any other questions I'd be more than happy to try to answer them. :) PS: I love smiley emotions- lol, could you tell? :P
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Post by happysmilies007 »

you sound like a happy person..i love you already!! :-D (as a friend of course..i don't think any of us here are crooked! :P ) if you meant happy as in happysmilies007, then we're here!

just curious, but what university would you happen to be going to? there's some good'uns out there, but unfortunately there's some stinkers too. unlike you, i love looking at other people's art..but i was DEFINITELY not endowed in that area, so painting & drawing is a huge deal for moi. it's good to see others do it though, i've always wished mine weren't so crappy & that i could stand still for more than 2 secs, painting's always seemed relaxing! like on the beginning of Peter Rabbit (the motion picture :wink: ) & the woman's sitting out in the countryside painting until a thunderstorm comes along. looks easy enough, but it's harder than it looks! on the faith issue..i've always held a belief in God, but because i'm a tard & a teenager i noticed i'd been questioning the existence of a God. when my cousin became an atheist, however, i rediscovered my faith & was able to bring her back home, so i guess we're just lucky'uns! you sound like a great person who enjoys every day & takes life as it comes. i think i could learn a thing or two from that! :P

ok, so that's me..figured since you'd laid yourself out there, i'd go out on a limb too! :lol:

carolynn (yes with two n's!) :evil:

ps -- if you like smilies, you'll love it here. click on the 'view more emoticons' link thing & you'll find a TON of them!! 8)
"What do I do when we're not taping? Sit in a dark room and refine my plans for someday ruling Earth from a blimp. And chess." --Ryan Stiles .. brought to you by the letter 3!
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Lady M
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cooleo happysmiles007~!

Post by Lady M »

Its really cool that you enjoy other people's art- I really like looking at other's work as well. I dont know how good I am personally- but I dont really do it for that- it's just sort of something I love a lot and I do it cause I love it :D Do you have an specific art you like? As for the painting is relaxing- I know what you mean- I had art class first thing in the morning last year of highschool and I just loved it- it really got my day off to a good start. :) It's funny, for me, when I do art- I kind of lose myself doing it- lol I sometimes forget what time it is or how long I've been doing it lol. For me as well it is very relaxing, and I just feel happy and kind of peaceful when I do art- so its cool.:) I am going to Carleton University right now- its in Ottawa. I really like it- I didnt even know anything about it right away, but I came here and I like the classes (well most of them :P) and its a pretty place. :) It's good to hear that you found faith again:) For me it's a very recent thing- I believed in God for a long time, but I couldnt accept God- now I have done that and I feel really happy about it. :) Yeah I guess Im a pretty happy girl- I just love life! :) There's so much in it, and theres so much beauty everywhere- it's incredible. :) And I really appreciate you going out on a limb too- I really respect that! :D :thumbleft:
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Post by PV »

Welcome to the clan, LadyM! Nice to see you here. Kick back and enjoy and just have fun. It's all about the Rush AND the fun!
I don't have faith in faith, I don't believe in belief, You can call me faithless, I still cling to hope, And I believe in love, And that's faith enough for me... Neil Peart
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