I must stop waffling so to cut a long story short, a chance meeting with an ex-workmate has led to a couple of hours jamming with his new band. I returned an hour ago and I'm so confused. I have been asked to join, practise until xmas then start gigging.
To be honest I consider myself an 'ok' drummer, I tend to get comments like 'he's pretty good isnt he?' not simply 'Good' but 'pretty good'. I do not practise enough due to time restraints and feel I'm competent only. I havent played a gig in years and that was a weekly jam night that ended up as a short lived band. The previous drummer of this band has returned to his guitar having dabbled in the drums but I seem to have impressed them and I've been offered the gig.
Now for the confusing bit. They number four people whose ages range from 19 to 23 and I'm bloody 37 for Ged's sake! I'ts not a vanity issue, a new Rush tour shirt and jeans fit in anywhere, it's the simple fact that it's bugging the hell out of me and perhaps it shouldnt?
I offered to jam with them on a regular basis until someone befitting their age arrives but they seem adamant that I'm the one. Practise two nights a week initially, the wife has given her full support and it's up to me. I wasnt that impressed with the material and hope to include my 'Husk' homey Dan on guitar...who knows?
Thoughts please.