EndlesslyRocking wrote:
This picture may not be a fake or a set-up (how would I know?) But don't just dismiss the notion: we've seen it before with our own eyes. It's not crazy paranoia, it's fact.
Looks like a lot of dems are out there trying to say it was staged now...
The only thing I would question about the guy is why he would take his little kids into a situation like that. I know I wouldn't. I've seen videos of conservatives infiltrating liberal protest rallies. Once they're noticed it's surprising how abusive and violent those "peaceniks" become. I can't imagine taking small children into something like that. Heck, I wouldn't even dare go in alone.
Of course, this wasn't a protest rally. It was just a gathering of people excited to see John Edwards, and the guy in question just wanted to quietly wave some Bush/Cheney signs. According to witnesses that's all he did. No yelling or anything.
EndlesslyRocking wrote:I'm not saying it was faked/staged. It probably wasn't.
I'm just saying you can't dismiss the possibility outright, given what happened before.
Speaking of faked... we need to get that guy in Texas, Bill Burkett, a copy of MS Forger. It works much better than MS Word when you're trying to recreate documents what would have been made on a 70's IBM selectric typewriter...
The fake Kerry & Fonda photo was too good to be true from the anti-Kerry faction's perspective, and the fake military documents relating to Bush are too good to be true from the anti-Bush faction's perspective. The photo you posted last week would appear to fall into the former group.