Here we see illustrated the basic difference between liberals and conservatives.*Lifesonite wrote:We are not helping the Iraqi people. They don't know how to live any other way except for the way that they knew how to live, you can't just reform a country!
Liberals have no faith in the common man. He's just too stupid to get by on his own. He needs the enlightened liberal elite need to take care of him.
Conservatives believe that if you give men the freedom to become the best they can be, most of them will sieze the opportunity and run with it.
Will the transition for Iraq be easy? Of course not. After ten years of democracy in south Africa they're still struggling. But they'll get there.
I'll repeat what I said on this very topic elsewhere on this board. I'm reminded of Japan after WW2. We didn't go in and take over, we went in and gave them a constitution. With that new-found freedom and the ability to work and earn, the people there turned themselves from being a poor nation into one of the greatest (THE greatest at one point) economic superpowers in the world.
Okay... one more point...
Iraq has one major asset; oil. You sounded like you were accusing Bush of siezing oil fields when we went in. Yes, they were secured but they haven't been siezed. They belong to the Iraqis. And since their liberation, millions of barrels of oil have started being exported out of there. And instead of the revenue from those exports going to build more palaces, torture chambers, prisons, and rape rooms for Saddam and his boys, it has all gone into Iraqi reconstruction; hospitals, schools, etc.
Millions of Iraqis are now registered to vote in an upcoming election. When has that ever happened in their lifetimes?
Don't tell me we're not helping them.
Oh geez... once I get started... I'm such a long-winded bore... okay, one more...
It's a secret agenda! And since the whole Clinton administration said everything Bush said when they were bombing Iraq in the late 90's, the conspiracy definitely pre-dates Bush. Oh, wait! Remember in the first Gulf war when Bush 41 said, "We are entering into a new world order"? That was the same phrase Hitler used! It all goes back to Nazi Germany! But wait! Hitler was into ancient mysticism! Could it really mean...? Fire up the X-Files theme music! Impeach Bush or aliens will land in my wig!*Lifesonite wrote:The problem is that we were told about this war with our only fountain of information being the Government. And the Government lied to us. They lied to us because they had to lie to carry out their secret-agenda.
Okay, enough sarcasm. Once again my mouth runneth over.
Go back and read Bush's pre-war speeches where he was making the case for taking the war on terror into Iraq. Then take a look at his acceptance speech from the end of convention. See any similarities? Of course you do, because he was open about it all then and he hasn't changed his position since. We weren't lied to. We were given a litany of reasons as to why this was an expedient move. And they're all proving valid.
And if I didn't have to make my kids' lunches for school tomorrow and then get to bed 'cos it's already way past my bedtime I'd go on and on until I'd used up all of the server space for this board and gotten By-Tor into big trouble!
Somebody just tie me to a chair and duct tape my mouth shut, will ya?