Hi all,
I just joined here... on different Rush Forums I have been known as LadyGuinn, Dr. Gwenn, HRHGuinavier, and LuckyGwen... Be warned, the saner I get the crazier I get !!!!
Hugs and kisses to all from AuntBear,the protectress of children and innocence.
it took you long enough!! i, for one, am very happy to see you!!
"What do I do when we're not taping? Sit in a dark room and refine my plans for someday ruling Earth from a blimp. And chess." --Ryan Stiles .. brought to you by the letter 3!
Welcome, AuntBear! Make yourself at home and have a blast. It's a great group here. Just watch out for the Duct Tape Duo, they get a bit out of control at times.
I don't have faith in faith, I don't believe in belief, You can call me faithless, I still cling to hope, And I believe in love, And that's faith enough for me... Neil Peart
Welcome to the Wonderful World of By-Tor. Please make yourself at home, if Schu is around, then put your feet up on the couch WITH shoes on! Then duck the flying haggis.
And I do not know what they mean by this thing called, "duck tape"
And I do not know what they mean by this thing called, "duck tape
Lying deceitful female that you are!!! I was locked up in a small cupboard dressed in unusual attire (dont ask, please dont ask...). Can you not remember?