Back Stage

Something to do with Rush coming up? Post it here.

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Post by darkfantc »

I posted this elsewhere, but perhaps it bears repeating... :twisted:
I guess this suggestion may be too late for you to try...but my best friend and I met Rush in an interesting way...
We both live in Denver, Colorado, but we have always tried to get to every show within 600 or 700 miles of us. Through the years this has taken us to Las Cruces, NM, Kansas City, KS, and Las Vegas, NV as well as our home base show. In the mid 80's we created a banner that we have since carried to every one of these shows. I think the most recent version of it Thanks Rush for 20+ awesome years...guess we will have to update that! At any rate, it also says, "from your fans in Northern Colorado." When we went to the show in Las Vegas in November of '96, we of course had the banner with us. We turned in to various local rock radio stations when we got close enough and discovered that one of them was going to have a BBQ before the show. We got there early and schmoozed with the DJ's for awhile, telling them that their station was way better than anything we have here in Denver (that was and is still true, Clear Channel has taken over and Corporate radio is all we have). We kept asking them for bumper stickers we could take home.
Finally, one of the DJ's noticed our banner and asked us to open it up. He was very surprised that we had driven in from Denver. He even asked to see our ID's! Then he wandered off for another beverage and we ate our dinner. He came back over to us a bit later and told us that since we had driven the farthest of anyone he had spoken to that he had something for us. We figured, "Oh, they finally found some bumper stickers," and had a good chuckle, because it had really become quite a running joke with them. Lo, and Behold! He gave us BACKSTAGE PASSES! There were only 20 or so people that joined us back there and it was the most incredible experience of our lives!
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Post by schuette »

cool story dark.....cheers for sharing 8) .....oh and welcome :-D
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Post by neilpeart_gal »

I can say that a friend of a friend got me my meet and greet passes. I was THRILLED to finally meet Ged and Al, the highlight of a lifetime for me!! 8)

But, having said that, I never expect to have the opportunity again unless I win passes from radio or something. Still, I have met them once, no need to get greedy....! :o
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Post by Kevin »

I always thought one could try a mad dash towards the backstage area, barreling over any security they come across until they run right into the guys' dressing room. They'd have a good 10 seconds to take in the moment before being dragged away by security and thrown out onto the streets...but wouldnt it be worth it just to say "I was backstage"? :lol:
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Slaine mac Roth
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Post by Slaine mac Roth »

Make sure you do it after the gig though. :-D
'Do not despise the snake for having no horns, for who is to say it will not become a dragon?'
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