Weird stuff happens to me. Some good some bad, but mostly things like thinking the same thing as someone near me and saying it simultaneously, or thinking of a song or number and it appears at the moment or just after. Today I went to Petsmart to ged some bedding for the babies, and couldn't help freaking out when I got the receipt, especially as I was blasting the tune in question all the way to the store.
Anything like this ever happen to you?
Last edited by Zivo on Mon Mar 22, 2004 11:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Apart from thinking about a song just before it comes on the radio occasionally, the only thing I have like that is with my boyfriend. We both have poltergeist/spirits in our houses (his likes to hide his lighter, the one here tends to move the matress slightly at night and also am-scrays with items on occasion, I'm missing a small trinket box currently...), during one stretch where we weren't able to talk for about a week, we both listened to "Song to the Siren" one night. I swear it felt like he was in the room. We also had very similar dreams in the same night. Begin the Twilight Zone theme, please...
~Time is a spiral, space is a curve
I know you get dizzy but try not to lose your nerve~
Well, that thought had occurred. If I didn't opt for the Snickers at the last second, this wouldn't have happened. Thank ged I am addicted to junk food
Medinaquirin wrote:We both have poltergeist/spirits in our houses
Its good living in a haunted house isn't it. Where I live we have two occasional ghosts. One them is seasonal in his visits (its about time for him to come back, he usually turns up inthe approach to the summer solstice) and stands at the bottom of the stairs and stares at you as climb. Neither me nor my wife have seen him (I say him because, somehow, I know he's male) but both our children seemed to chatter away at something we couldn't see for hours on end. The other one tends to walk up and down outside the front window and looks in on occasion. Most of the time, you can just sense she's there (I just have a feeling this one is female) although I have caught a glimpse of a figure passing the window.
'Do not despise the snake for having no horns, for who is to say it will not become a dragon?'
I've never had one that's taken any sort of visible form (thank Ged, don't wanna see that), but me pal Heather's friend (who is interestingly enough named Heather) went to a haunted house once (which was just down the road from where I used to live for about 8 years, it's a wonder I never heard stories about the place) and videotaped the excursion. She took a little piece of paper from the bathroom of the house home with her, and guess what else she brought home. Not. Good. The lil' bit of paper was quickly thrown the hell out. It was interesting watching the video because you would see these little flying spots like small bugs, which she said weren't there when she filmed it.
~Time is a spiral, space is a curve
I know you get dizzy but try not to lose your nerve~
Sounds like she caught what are known as orbs. They are, as you said, little balls of light that are picked up by video/digital cameras and are, usually, invisible to the naked eye. One theory about them is that they are the first stage of a ghost manifestation and, if the spirit can summon enough energy, it will appear.
The best photos I've seen were taken by a group of parapsychologists at a nightclub in Manchester. It was a former Methodist church and the main hall, with the organ, is still intact. Needless top say, the place is supposed to be haunted and, when photos were taken of the organ by digital camera, there must have been in excess of 500 of these orbs surrounding it.
'Do not despise the snake for having no horns, for who is to say it will not become a dragon?'
Slaine mac Roth wrote:Sounds like she caught what are known as orbs. They are, as you said, little balls of light that are picked up by video/digital cameras and are, usually, invisible to the naked eye. One theory about them is that they are the first stage of a ghost manifestation and, if the spirit can summon enough energy, it will appear.
The other theory, which happens to be right, is that they're little motes of dust floating in the air. They're too small to be seen in most circumstances, but digital cameras have the flash set very close to the lens, which means that the dust motes get lit up and appear in the image as defocussed blobs.
That's also very true. I'm not sure what I believe with regard to some of this phenomena but, as Shakespeare said 'There is more under heaven and on Earth than are dreamed of in your philosophy'.
'Do not despise the snake for having no horns, for who is to say it will not become a dragon?'
you should start a ghost thread, i love a good ghost story.
"John Rutsey, who was a viking then, Geddy, who wasn't a viking and myself formed the band as it isn't today to patrol war-torn areas of the Middle-East and to incurr as many debts as possible. This we did with a passion."
- Alex Lifeson