As soon as Mum scans them, you can see them...EXCEPT for Lnite, he cannae see me pics till I see one of him as he is been a slacker and not gedded one up yet.
"John Rutsey, who was a viking then, Geddy, who wasn't a viking and myself formed the band as it isn't today to patrol war-torn areas of the Middle-East and to incurr as many debts as possible. This we did with a passion."
- Alex Lifeson
They did Buddy Rich's Channel One Suite during jazz band. H has three solos in that that she has to improvise, and she plays it different each time, cuz she is imporvising.
Anyway, she played it like she really meant it this time, and it showed.
Usually, people clap after your solo during a jazz song, but people were clapping during her solos, and then they gave her a standing ovation (she was the only one who got a standing ovation). Also, I overheard a number of conversations about how she did. More than one person said, "That girl really opened up and played!" And there were two boys who were going on about how when she hit the bass drum, they could feel it go through them and they loved it.
H's dad got a video of the performance, and I am thinking of gedding that out to people, not the Jazz Fest one, cuz this one was better.