Retirement . . . I know this is a subject few of us want to face, but either retirement or death is going to punch us in the face someday . . .
As we get older, this is something we need to at least think about, even if we do nothing about it.
I am curious about where we are as Rush fans. Are we rockers who pay no attention to the real world? Are we rockers who have at least on foot in reality and have given retirement a thought? Are we rockers who pay attention to our finances and want to retire someday? Are we rockers who are financially astute and have all our ducks in a row so retirement will be no worry.
So, I am going to ask . . . Where are you in preparing for retirement? Totally unaware of what retirement means is a 0 . . . . Thoroughly prepared and have not a care in the world is a 10.
Rate your self and share. I know this may not be fun for some, but it is a reality we all must deal with.
I'm looking at about an 8 myself. I'm retiring within the next 5 years (good Lord willing and the crick don't rise). Maybe 10 - if I feel extra saucy. Doesn't mean I'm retiring from LIFE though. That's the key.
I have crunched the numbers, and it looks like I will actually retire at 67! It won't be a luxurious living, but I will have a cold beer and hot potato every day! Being single sure lessens the burden! Thank you T for cutting me loose! lol
I think 67 is the magic number for me too. I have my age and time on the job right now - but I'm too young and still owe too much for me to be comfortable in retirement. Good luck Zep.
As for me, and whatever house I have at the time . . . things will be lean, but happy without a care. Being alone sure makes it easier . . . but I wish it weren't that way. I miss T . . . Whatever. such is life! lol