"I think in this case the situation was made much more difficult on the part of the Cambridge Police Department," Powell said. "Once they felt they had to bring Dr. Gates out of the house and to handcuff him, I would've thought at that point, some adult supervision would have stepped in and said 'OK look, it is his house. Let's not take this any further, take the handcuffs off, good night Dr. Gates.' "-Colin Powell
Did he just call the Cambridge Police Department a bunch of children? Was Powell at the scene and actually saw what happened? Here is a thought, Mr Powell..... maybe if Skip Gates would have just shut his fugging mouth, like the majority of we citizens do when we are detained by a police officer, let the officer do his job, search the house and make sure both he and Skip were safe and than say Good Night Mr. Gates... but nooooooooooooo good ole Skip has gotta pull the fucking race card, like every other black person when they feel like they are being wronged. and he kept going at the cop until the cop had no choice. It was called doing his job. What the fuck... white people never get arrested??? Do you think they would let me off if I was screaming at a police officer because I am white??? Hell know... My guess is that good ole Skip thought that since he is a black man, he is entitled to be above the law because God forbid anybody arrest the descendant of a slave, I can play the racecard to the media and by God the media is going to run with it and I can make the cops look like a bunch of KKK stormtrooper shit kicking racist rednecks. PURE BULLSHIT IS WHAT THIS IS!!!
"There is no African-American in this county who has not been exposed to this kind of situation," Powell said. "Do you get angry? Yes. Do you manifest that anger? Do you protest? Do you try to get things fixed? But it's the better course of action to try and take it easy and don't let your anger make the current situation worse."
So Mr. Powell every black person in this country has been racially profiled at some point? and you know this how? Did you ask them all? By chance did you ask them what were they doing when they were racially profiled?
The former secretary of state said he has been racially profiled "many times," including an incident that took place while he was the national security adviser to President Reagan.
"Nobody thought I could possibly be the national security adviser to the president. I was just a black guy at Reagan National Airport," Powell said. "And it was only when I went to the counter and said, 'Is my guest here waiting for me?' that someone said, 'Oh, you're Gen. Powell.' It was inconceivable to him that a black guy could be the national security adviser."
and this is racial profiling how? because nobdy kissed your ass at one of the world's busiest airports? Maybe you can talk to whoever and work up some sort of reparation deal for your troubles as a black man. You know when I walk up to somebody, I am actually just another white guy. and than when they realize who I am, they say ohh, you are Bill Lowen..
I wonder if Mr. Powell asked Charlize Theron if she has ever been racially profiled? She is after all African-American. Don't believe me? Look it up yourself.
July 31 (Bloomberg) -- The first 12 months of the U.S. recession saw the economy shrink more than twice as much as previously estimated, reflecting even bigger declines in consumer spending and housing, revised figures showed.
The world?s largest economy contracted 1.9 percent from the fourth quarter of 2007 to the last three months of 2008, compared with the 0.8 percent drop previously on the books, the Commerce Department said today in Washington.