Well, I am trying to wrap my head around this.
First of all, now that the decision is made. Bear is my 11B Brother. HOOAH!!!!!!!!!!
He will be at the same place I did my basic training, the home of the Infantry...........Ft. Benning GA. HOOAH!!!!
I don't know if they ever reopened the "Harmony Church" part of the training brigade, that is where I did basic, most likely he will be at "Sand Hill". We called it Sand Hilton because the barracks were more like dorm rooms with a/c. I did basic in a WWII style 2 story no a/c building. HOOAH!!!!!!!!!
He will get the best training out there no doubt about this in my military mind, here is the reason for my
He scored the highest in PA, and all that which is great, but why not pick something better? I respect Bears decision, and I know he will do great, I just was blown away that he didn't opt for a more scholarly MOS.
Now, that being said there are tons of more detailed MOS's in the Infantry. Specialties should I say, like 11M (Mortars), 11H (TOW missile gunner), and so on. He at least does not have to be "Leg" Infantry like I was. He can be in a mechanized unit, Air Cav......and so on.
That is all I meant. With all that being said I salute the man for his decision and can't wait to hear about his letters from Benning.