Yes, the mixer both sends the signal to whichever track(s) you arm and then you "flip" the board into mix mode and it plays back/mixes with the same channels that recorded the tracks. It's quite exquisite. Just don't forget to flip the switches back from monitor mode or you will be deaf for an hour from the concussion-feedback and you may have to buy new speakers.How does that work, you record tracks to the HD, then level them /eq them through the mixer and feed them back into the HD as a single bounce?
Yeah, you have to get the drums going some other way. I have a drum machine for demos and creating songs. Also there is the great, free program Modplug Tracker. Not only drums, but any instrument can be created, sequenced, charted, whatever with this thing. Get it at The best friend a PC recording musician can install.The other downside is it lacks drums wheras most DAWs and studio in a box have something. However, it looks like the simplest mix down portion, all the dials and such.