Stop The O'Reilly Harassment/bully Machine
Last Saturday, March 21, Fox News host Bill O'Reilly sent two of his employees to stalk, ambush, and harass Managing Editor Amanda Terkel. Upset over a ThinkProgress report that noted O'Reilly's insensitive comment towards a rape victim, O'Reilly dispatched his producer Jesse Watters, along with a cameraman, to stake out Amanda's home in Washington, DC, follow her for two hours across state lines, and ambush her while she was on vacation in Winchester, VA. O'Reilly then used a small portion of highly edited footage he obtained from Watters's ambush interview to falsely claim that Amanda was bringing "a lot of pain and suffering" to rape victims. Unfortunately, Amanda is just one of roughly 40 different victims of these kind of ambush tactics. Indeed, O'Reilly has hired producers whose primary job is to track, harass, and intimidate anyone whom O'Reilly perceives as an opponent or an enemy. That's not journalism -- that's a mafia-style intimidation operation, and we need to put an end to it. ThinkProgress has launched a campaign asking O'Reilly's major sponsors to issue a clear statement opposing O'Reilly's Harassment Machine. Please consider joining this campaign here ->
Perhaps you want to join a movement that I just thought up.
100 Turds for Bill-O.
Does a Papa bear do it in the woods? Probably. So scoop it, box it up and send it to Bill himself at;
Bill O'Reilly c/o
Fox News
1211 Avenue Of The Americas
New York, NY 10036
Or, send him a pic of your steaming contribution to
Or call him and simply say, "Here's your turd!" at 1-888-369-4762.
You can make a smelly difference when it comes to bullies. All you need is a scoop and a vision.