If you catch the Heroes series regularly/every week, this is another part of the show you must catch! Released weekly are graphic novels which tells extra/more stories which happen behind the series.
5 graphic novels in one rar file for easy downloading and they're not password protected.
They are actual graphic novels/comics. Like the ones that guide the Heroes of the show. The artwork is SUPERB!!!
Install a program that opens RAR fails. It's like a zip file, but rarrier.
Izark is free and awesome. After downloading and installing, just right-click on anything that is packed into a rar file and select to open with or extract with Izark. http://www.izarc.org/download.html
Big Blue Owl wrote:They are actual graphic novels/comics. Like the ones that guide the Heroes of the show. The artwork is SUPERB!!!
Install a program that opens RAR fails. It's like a zip file, but rarrier.
Izark is free and awesome. After downloading and installing, just right-click on anything that is packed into a rar file and select to open with or extract with Izark. http://www.izarc.org/download.html