I know some people here are disappointed in how the towns of Port Angeles and Forks aren't accurately represented. My kids joke often about how they never have gotten lost getting from, what was it, Gottshalks, I think, to Port Book and News. lol Port Angeles doesn't have warehouses to get lost in. And Forks, if you dressed like the book says people do and walked about Forks, people would look at you funny! lol Ah but isn't that the way with fiction?
rushlight wrote:I've never read the book. I'm more of a sookie stackhouse fan and I can't wait for the latest book in may.
I love that series too! My daughter and I read the Twilight series but have not yet gotten out to see the movie. She says the guy they picked to play Edward is not remotely handsome enough to play him, and I concur...
Enchantment falls around me and I know I cannot leave...
awip2062 wrote:Port Angeles doesn't have warehouses to get lost in. And Forks, if you dressed like the book says people do and walked about Forks, people would look at you funny! lol Ah but isn't that the way with fiction?
What about that factory-looking place? With the big pipes and stuff? I dressed funny there and nobody said boo to me! If they were looking at me funny I didn't notice.
Enchantment falls around me and I know I cannot leave...
I read the Twilight books, and my sis H took me to see the movie, the movie
is not really as good as books and my brothers and i like to watch it on some website so that we can make fun of it.
VampireElf wrote:I read the Twilight books, and my sis H took me to see the movie, the movie
is not really as good as books and my brothers and i like to watch it on some website so that we can make fun of it.
VampireElf... nice to have another elf in the place.