Imm, I know what you mean.
Only ONE girlfriend of mine finds da man HOT. But, thank Ged REALLY Hot so we have something to talk about. We're good friends but my natural intenseness of Rush as a band can get in the way so I have to be careful. (she's a Limelight, TS, SOR, Subdivisions fan--If I play RTB, The Pass or Time Stand Still her eyes glaze over so, *sigh*)
I get sick of talking about what a mook her husband is, her problems at work, how all the world is against her, the price of chopped chuck and all.
That's why I like coming here and lurk about stuff. I love playing in the "silly" stuff too, which as far as I'm concerned is why we're alive.
People here are all so frickin' funny!
I digress....t, sweetie, I love you much. Geddy is not only OK but he is HOT!!!