I was making up some jigs for my up coming fishing trip and reading some of the warning lables it got me to thinking. I guess I was a bit spoiled when I was younger or a guinea pig? I'll except being spoiled with
those fantastic old chemisty sets that I nearly blew the house up with. Or the wonderful landscapes, clowns, still lifes and animal master pieces I made with all those paint by number sets. I don't remeber the name of the plastic bugs, worms, snakes a creepy crawly something or other. And of course I can't forget Mr. & Mrs. Potatoe Head a lot of long hours was spent with these wonderful toys, or were they really so wonderful after all now being inflicted with arthrtis and all sorts of wonderful conditions that required medication from morning till evening and in between. Nevertheless what did you all play with and please, beside what's between your legs or your neighborr's legs, we all did that.