BTW, with food products like this, Al-Qaeda will have to really come up with some horrible stuff to wreck our lives...what worse things can they do to us that we're not already doing?
Last edited by Big Blue Owl on Fri Apr 25, 2008 6:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
BTW, with food products like this, Al-Qaeda will have to really come up with some horrible stuff to wreck our lives...what worse things can they do to us that we're not already doing?
I know you were joking. But if we were to start listing a-Qaeda tactics here... *shudders*
What a rich and blessed life we lead that candy can be a problem, eh?
Global warming will be a sin eventually with the wars it's going to create in time but humanity won't survive with our planet demise.
Take the fisheries for example
I use to explore the bays and estuaries growing up and sometimes helping my grandfather catch bait for his shop in Massachusetts. I grew up and moved away and for the last few years had the oppertunity to visit some of those wonderful places holding memories dear to me. At any rate, I was shocked to see that there is at the least 10% of what once was, having the unique experience of not seeing a gradual decline over the years there for not noticing it as much. I think the oceans are in a lot more trouble than even the biologists are seeing and probably frustrated at the economic engine it runs. I am already frustrated over the enivorment so if your a nay sayer, shut the F%@& UP!
Other than that ***HUGS***
When evil is allowed to compete with good, evil has an emotional populist appeal that wins out unless good men & women stand as a vanguard against abuse.