But please, please PLEASE don't mutilate yourself! You're gonna need both arms to beat off Barry when he finds out that Elfie is between where you are and where we are.
awip2062 wrote:But please, please PLEASE don't mutilate yourself! You're gonna need both arms to beat off Barry when he finds out that Elfie is between where you are and where we are.
I will leave the beating off Barry part to my good buddy Leon!! seriously, I am going to make the trip out there one year. I want my 9 year old to dip her toes in some good ole pacific saltwater. We are saving our pennies and nickles so we can make the trip. Maybe by than the price of gas will have come down.
awip2062 wrote:But please, please PLEASE don't mutilate yourself! You're gonna need both arms to beat off Barry when he finds out that Elfie is between where you are and where we are.
I will leave the beating off Barry part to my good buddy Leon!! seriously, I am going to make the trip out there one year. I want my 9 year old to dip her toes in some good ole pacific saltwater. We are saving our pennies and nickles so we can make the trip. Maybe by than the price of gas will have come down.
I can't believe you two talking about that activity here, shame on you.
awip2062 wrote:But please, please PLEASE don't mutilate yourself! You're gonna need both arms to beat off Barry when he finds out that Elfie is between where you are and where we are.