Is Global Warming a Sin?

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Mr. Potatoe Head
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Post by Mr. Potatoe Head »

Bend over for a dollar and I'll give you change.

Your silk wilderness is wrinkled and blinded by emotion. History is nothing more than a dime-store ship wreck and there's nothing new about government's lying to start wars, with the truth behind the doors of your perception. Life is full of absurd self-satisfaction for fame or fortune some sort of enormous sartorial abstraction, making our brains bleed like the dollar distorting the truth for economical gain. How can the government control you if they told you the truth? A large percentage of people are living a myth, believing lies for nothing more, nothing less than control, power and greed.

Religions, God and the bible being the biggest lie of them all.
They are nothing more than stolen myths.
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Post by ElfDude »

Mr. Potatoe Head wrote: Religions, God and the bible being the biggest lie of them all.
They are nothing more than stolen myths.
You have no idea the sense of satisfaction that comes from being a willing participant in the biggest lie of them all. :-D I'm sure t would agree... wouldn't you, girl?
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Post by Big Blue Owl »

Kinda harsh, don't you think, Mr. P? There are great people here who believe in God and the Bible, mind, body and soul. With all due respect, my friend, it's not necessary to blast away at other's love of Christ, Allah, or any deity that people look to for succor, assistance, love, forgiveness. What good could possibly come of it? Just a bunch of people feeling bad for reading (from a friend) what they consider to be insults to their character and to the very thing they hold most dear. Sure, we all believe what we wish. That's wonderful. But I don't see anyone here insulting the agnostic, atheism or even Satanism. So it seems fair to not, in this neighborhood, publicly denounce each other's lives, loves and liberties.

Hey, it's a free country. We do whatever we want. But hurting friend's feelings when it can be easily avoided... :(
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Post by Mr. Potatoe Head »

Being @ work I got to make this quick.

No I don't think it as being harsh. Diversity being an asset to mankind not some sort of embarrassing impurity. The tendency of some towards viscerotonia irks me and this is what "society" does, melts the mind. Nevertheless sounds more like a two-way hierarchy of moral judgment, which I am not the only one guilty... having emotional reply's and all.

I really must get back to work now.
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Post by Big Blue Owl »

But there is also virtue in respecting OTHER'S diversity.

For those like me who like to know the meaning of the words we read:

Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary
Main Entry: vis?cer?o?to?nia
Pronunciation: "vis-&-r&-'tO-nE-&
Function: noun
: a pattern of temperament that is marked by predominance of social over intellectual or physical factors and exhibits conviviality, tolerance, complacency, and love of food.

It is all our struggle to try to balance "Think" and "Feel", and nobody I have ever met has claimed perfection.

I'm not trying to attack you, buddy. I want to reason with you, perhaps have you see my point (just a little.) I see yours and it makes me a bit sad. Perhaps there is a happier medium?
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Post by ElfDude »

Big Blue Owl wrote:But I don't see anyone here insulting the agnostic, atheism or even Satanism.
You know what, BBO? Your post just aided in an epiphany on my part. I have indeed been harsh to members of the religion of man-made global warming, and I should probably apologize for that. I try to respect the beliefs of others in the way that I would ask them to respect my beliefs.

Perhaps it wouldn't trouble me at all if they weren't trying to influence world-government policy and create new taxes, etc... seperation of church and state and all that.

But for being so harsh on the beliefs of others, I apologize. And if it sounds like I'm saying this with sarcasm, I'm not. I'm going to vow here in front of all you people right now to try and take a different approach to this from now on.
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Post by Xanadu »

I have indeed been harsh to members of the religion of man-made global warming, and I should probably apologize for that.


Spud, I think believing in God is fine, its the mind controlling laws of the church that are scary. I know what you are trying to say, they don't. First off, they don't want to explore anything else, at least not outside of the reach of their chains. They will go as far as digging their nails into the ground and defy their own freedom...just to convince themselves that every thing they have been brought up to believe is still true.

I was raised by Christian fundamentalists. I went through so much guilt and suffering when I first started breaking away. In my heart and mind I couldn't believe in the stupid rules anymore but yet it was impressed upon me from time I was able to speak not to stray. If you stray you are "turning your back on Jesus, look what he did for you and you walk away". Nonsense, now I know in my heart what's right.

Personally, I do believe in Jesus, but not the way they do though. I think the bible was put together by tyrannical kings to control the minds of peeps under the guise of what they had fought to keep. I think the real Jesus was no god, just a man who could see all the things wrong with society at the time, he was a prophet/shaman whatever you want to call it.

Holy Water lyrics, Soundgarden (written by Chris Cornell)

Holy water on the brain
And I'm losing sleep
Holy bible on the night stand
Next to me
As I'm raped by
Another monkey circus freak
Trying to take my
Indignance away from me
Holy water is rusting me
Bloody murder is the best
I've heard her scream
Holy devil in the flesh
Some might believe
And they take thine
Majesty so seriously
It's the big lies
That are more likely to be believed
Holy water is rusting me
Damn the water if it's life
You want to drink
Mind your mother if
It makes you feel at ease
As you're raped by another
Monkey circus freak
It's the big lies that are
More likely to be believed
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Post by ElfDude »

Xanadu wrote: First off, they don't want to explore anything else, at least not outside of the reach of their chains. They will go as far as digging their nails into the ground and defy their own freedom...just to convince themselves that every thing they have been brought up to believe is still true.
I don't know what branch of Christendom you're bad-mouthing, but it sure doesn't sound like my religion.
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Post by Xanadu »

Bad mouthing; not hardly.
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Post by ElfDude »

Xanadu wrote:Bad mouthing; not hardly.
Read your quote and look at what you just said about me. I have never made such statements about you.
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Post by CygnusX1 »

Xanadu wrote:Bad mouthing; not hardly.
I'll do the bad-mouthing here thankyouverymuch. LOL

Hay......who drank all the coffee? What the @#%%*.... :shock: :?

Where I'm from, it's always the church of me-me-me. :roll:

Makes me want to vomit. :x

Are there any folks out there like me - that helps out their neighbor?

Believe it or not, they STILL do that here.
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Post by Xanadu »

ElfDude wrote:
Xanadu wrote:Bad mouthing; not hardly.
Read your quote and look at what you just said about me. I have never made such statements about you.
How'd you know I was talking about you? :razz:

j/k Elf, actually I was referring to not you personally but more like the ones who raised me and others in their way of thinking, sorry about the lack of clarity. :smt109 :hippy2:

And still, bad mouthing, not at all...I was simply telling it how it is.
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Post by ElfDude »

Xanadu wrote:
ElfDude wrote:
Xanadu wrote:Bad mouthing; not hardly.
Read your quote and look at what you just said about me. I have never made such statements about you.
How'd you know I was talking about you? :razz:

j/k Elf, actually I was referring to not you personally but more like the ones who raised me and others in their way of thinking, sorry about the lack of clarity. :smt109 :hippy2:

And still, bad mouthing, not at all...I was simply telling it how it is.
No worries, friend. Thanks for the olive branch. I assumed you were talking about me beacause it looked like your post began in reference to those who thought Mr. Tattie Head's post was harsh. We all know what happens when we assume.

Just so you know, my church encourages the youth (and the adults for that matter) to get as much education as possible. They have started Universities that teach science in all its varieties, including the dreaded theory of evolution. :) Knowledge is not something from which we must shy away. When it comes to politics, my church does not endorse candidates or parties. When it comes to other belief systems, I love learning about them. For exapmple, the book called Autobiography of a Yogi absolutely fascinated me. When I'm around friends of other faiths I often tire them with questions about their beliefs. :)

I guess all I'm getting at is that what you see as "how it is" is very different than my experience. I'm sorry that your upbringing caused the kind of grief you describe. :(
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Post by CygnusX1 »

I have a real problem with Pastors and their entourages riding
around in luxury SUV's, while needy neighborhood kids/worshippers
might not even get supper tonight...

Am I any less of a Christian for thinking this way?

I mean, I believe in Jesus, but I'm not giving 10% of my income to
the church to prove I doomed to Hell for it?

Something tells me no, but I've been wrong before. :roll: :lol:
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Post by Xanadu »

You know just doing kind things all the time and taking some of your TIME rather than money does a lot more. :-)
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