Big Blue Owl wrote:Hey, I resent that! (Wallops T with an overstuffed, wet pillow) - *SPLATCH!*
Oh yeah?!
*eats his spinach and, to a trumpet fanfare, suddenly looks like Popeye... delivers an uppercut to BBO's chin that sends him flying several stories up the side side of a building under construction... upon his return to earth he hits a big pile of bricks and mortar which amazing fall around him in the shape of a small jail (the word "jail" is even displayed on it)... BBO looks through the barred window and cries like a baby*
*Looks through bars, hands clenched around the ones at either end and yells, "WOO-HOO! JAIL! NOT ONLY CAN I GET SOME PRIVACY, BUT I GET CONJUGAL VISITS! NOW, PLEASE!"*
I posted this pic in another thread, but I like it. One of the things that makes me happy about it is that my daughter (middle) didn't give a second thought to having a black girl as a best friend. I must have done at least one thing right as a father...
Big Blue Owl wrote:*Looks through bars, hands clenched around the ones at either end and yells, "WOO-HOO! JAIL! NOT ONLY CAN I GET SOME PRIVACY, BUT I GET CONJUGAL VISITS! NOW, PLEASE!"*
"Conjugal visits? Mmmm. Not that I know of. Y'know, minimum-security prison is no picnic. I have a client in there right now. He says the trick is: kick someone's ass the first day, or become someone's bitch. Then everything will be all right. W-Why do you ask, anyway?"
Strength and beauty destined to decay
so cut the rose in full bloom.
Till the fearless come and the act is done
A love like blood
a love like blood
*ducks the flying spinach and beans*
That's a great pic Elf, you really have done a lot more than just one thing
right as a Dad. Giant smiles on 3 teenagers, practically unheard of!
Sound verbalized tones touch textured feel scent wafted aroma see visualize observe sing dance live
Big Blue Owl wrote:*Looks through bars, hands clenched around the ones at either end and yells, "WOO-HOO! JAIL! NOT ONLY CAN I GET SOME PRIVACY, BUT I GET CONJUGAL VISITS! NOW, PLEASE!"*