Now, this:
The rest of the story is found at: ... 6remit.phpMexicans miss money from relatives up north
By Elisabeth Malkin
Published: October 26, 2007
EL RODEO, Mexico: For years, millions of Mexican migrants working in the United States have sent money back home to villages like this one, money that allows families to pay medical bills and school fees, build houses and buy clothes or, if they save enough, maybe start a tiny business.
But after years of strong increases, the amount of migrant money flowing to Mexico has stagnated. From 2000 to 2006, remittances grew to nearly $24 billion a year from $6.6 billion, rising more than 20 percent some years. In 2007, the increase so far has been less than 2 percent.
Migrants and migration experts say a flagging American economy and an enforcement campaign against illegal workers in the United States have persuaded some migrants not to try to cross the border illegally to look for work. Others have decided to return to Mexico. And many of those who are staying in the United States are sending less money home.
In the rest of the world, remittances are rising, up as much as 10 percent a year, according to Donald Terry of the Inter-American Development Bank. Last year, migrant workers worldwide sent more than $300 billion to developing countries ? almost twice the amount of foreign direct investment.
But in Mexico, families are feeling squeezed...."
Now we are bad guys because the money isn't flowing out of the US to other places? We are responsible that the economy of other nations is strong?
What about the President of Mexico doing what it takes to make his own country strong, not off the economy of his neighbor to the north but utilizing his own resources?