Somebody forgot to tell me that RC planes don't fly to well in the forest. I thought I was beyond the tree line and apparently I was not as evidenced by the large thud I heard...sorry but I was in no mood to take pictures. I am happy to report that the trees are all doing well and the squirrels have plenty of balsa wood for which to make their nests this winter.
thanks, you know when you put one of those in the air, you are giving it to the Gods and hopefully you get it back down in one piece. 99% of the time you do, but that 1% happens from time to time, what pissed me off was I did not crash because of a mechanical problem, I screwed up. Luckily all of the expensive stuff, like engine and radio gear came out OK... a new airplane is going to cost me $69 so no big deal really. The price of doing business I guess.. our club president smacked the ground yesterday head on at better than 125 MPH... total loss, his was mechanical error though... That was his first wreck in 5 years..
I have a new plane ordered and have one almost built. onward and upwards. It would have been better to have been in the plane, I would have seen the trees coming and pulled up.. depth perception is the hardest thing about flying RC.. thanks for the kind thoughts
heres an idea get those things minivans do that beep when you get X close to things behind or on the sides Glad you be ok ofcourse don't take this with hard feelings