Okay, here are a few pics.
Our drive out took us through the Bonneville Salt Flats (where all the world land speed records are set). It was also recently seen in the newest Pirates movie with Johnny Depp.
If you read Ghost Rider Neil, talks about going on the loneliest road in America to see Winnemucca, NV. Here's a picture of the valley he rode through (taken from the top of a cliff). We rode through it too.
We went to the Redwoods. There is just no way to capture how amzing this place is in a photo.
We also went to Crescent City, CA and saw this cute lighthouse (picture taken kinda far away from a pier).
We got to pick up starfishes outta the water and stuff. And as you can see, kelp is pretty weird...
We also took a 2-hour jetboat ride up a river in Grant's Pass, OR in one of these things. That was a blast.
That's enough for now.