I simply can't wait to be honest and I should really. Here's a rough demo of the first new 'HusK' song in two years, one of Dans originals featuring understated grooving from myself...until the jam at the end that is . Very much work in progress. Dropped notes, one blatant drumming mistake but heartfelt all the same and already with great a dynamic. No doubt it will alter somewhat but even at this embryonic stage I'm excited. thanks for your time and apologies again for the quality.
When evil is allowed to compete with good, evil has an emotional populist appeal that wins out unless good men & women stand as a vanguard against abuse.
schuette wrote:okai probably a blonde moment..but how do I get to hear it..?
Enter the three digit code at the bottom of the page, wait for ten seconds then click on 'download'. You should finish the download in one or two minutes.
I'm gonna give it a second listening tonight D. I started to listen to it but got called away for work..........(Imagine that, I have to work while I am surfing at work.)
Listened. Sounds like it's gonna be a cool song. Couldn't understand a word though.
At about three minutes (where the volume jump happens) it started reminding me of Pink Floyd in the 60's. Before that it reminded me of something else... that I... can't quite put my finger on...
Big Blue Owl wrote:Cool orig, Ogg. Please keep us updated with tunes as they evolve, eh?
Congrats on going into the studio soon!
Thanks for your time BBO, Elfie and Hairy'. We chose 'Standing Stone' as it's one of our more accessible chunes but I cannae wait to share some of our heavier material IF the recording can do it justice.
We're recording the jams with an old fashioned cassette recorder as Dan sold his 'Boss' digital four-track. Having just gone halves on a PA we're hoping to go back to digital asap. The only method I have the now of getting our stuff on mp3 is to rip the audio from a cheap digicamcorder thing, better than nowt I suppose.
4pm - 11pm, a seven hour jam session! Is there anything better? Stopped briefly for sustenance but otherwise non-stop jammin' . I recorded our opening warm up but guess what twat forgot to recharge the battery? Six minutes of video footage from seven hours. At least we have the audio.
Hoping to sort out a 'youtube' clip of it tomorrow for your viewing pleasure.
Here's a rather dynamic screen shot .