One daughter has been staying with her mom for a couple of days and the other was with friends, so I had the day to myself. The only "have to's" for the day were grocery shopping and studying the lesson I have to give in Sunday School tomorrow.
Slept in (actually got 8 hours os sleep... woo hoo!!!) and had a shower. Threw a few things in the washing machine. Studied for tomorrow. Ate some cereal. Brushed teeth, shaved, and walked to the barber's and got a haircut (see pics thread for details). Okay, haircuts are no fun... I loved it when I could have long hair but it's just too thin on top for that to really work anymore. So, two or three times a year, I get a haircut (whether I need it or not). I guess I could try the Neil Peart thing and just shave the head each July and let it grow the rest of the year. Um... no. Too scary.
Anyway, did the grocery shopping, came home and put the washed clothes in the dryer, ate a small death disc for lunch, and then took my bicycle to a place I've been wanting to ride and haven't yet this year. Took a ride, maybe six or seven miles, on a path that goes north/south along the edge of Utah Lake...

... and then goes along the banks the Provo river.

The trail follows the river for many many miles, all the way up Provo Canyon where it ends at a beautiful waterfall but I stopped at a point where there's some big construction going on and the trail ceases to exist (for now).
That made for a great afternoon activity. Felt a little tired (yeah, I'm out of shape) but good afterwards. It's good to get the circulation going, and it clears the head as well. The sun was out, but there was a breeze and the temperature was only around 55? F.
Came home and played the new blue accordion for a while. Watched a lot of the Rush R30 DVD and the Midlife Crisis Live at the Royal Palace DVD. Kinda slept a little during that. Went over my notes for tomorrow's lesson a little bit more. Played with the computer. Decided it was time for dinner. I felt like something fatty so decided I'd have to exercise for it. Washed my bike off a bit and rode it to a place about 12 blocks from home that sells an excellent seaburger and fries. Got back on the bike with the intention of taking the food somewhere nice that I could eat outside and enjoy the fresh air. It's spring, after all, and things are starting to turn green. I ended up sitting on a bench in front of my town's lovely old art museum.

Rode home and typed this. As I sit here I can hear a woodpecker outside bashing his head, along with the chirping of some other birds tweeting and stuff. In a little over an hour I'll hop in the van and go get my older daughter from her bash with friends and bring her home (no matter how much she complains about it). Not sure if the ex will bring my other daughter home tonight or tomorrow morning. EIther one will be fine.
It's been a grand day. Haven't had one of those for a while, so I thought I'd share.
Oh, by the way, I've gotten SO fat...
The other day the doctor diagnosed me with that flesh-eating bacteria... he gave me forty years to live!

Man, it's gotten so bad, I'm even putting mayo on my aspirin!
See you later.