What's there to actually like? A mere six seconds...the teasing gits, for an album that comes out in over three months .
To this trained ear it appears not to be a radical departure from the Vapor Trails sound, which imho is a good thing. Let's hope they master the thing correctly this time .
Last edited by Ogg on Fri Feb 16, 2007 1:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
What's there to actually like? A mere six seconds...the teasing gits, for an album that comes out in over three months .
To this trained ear it appears not to be a radical departure from the Vapor Trails sound, which imho is a good thing. Let's hope they master the thing correctly this time .
This is a bloody Rush board you wanker<-- did I sound English here?? anyway anything Rush is a good thing, if only for 6 seconds... sorry if wanker is an offensive term... what do you expect from an ingorant American anyway???
Soup4Rush wrote:
This is a bloody Rush board you wanker<-- did I sound English here?? anyway anything Rush is a good thing, if only for 6 seconds... sorry if wanker is an offensive term... what do you expect from an ingorant American anyway???
Lol, I've been called a wanker before mate, no offence taken. Although the term correctly refers to masturbation I'm guessing your meaning is a little more sinister?