Hmm, funny you mentioned Amy Winehouse Hev'. I admit my interest in her was due to the 'Brits' coverage recently. I only downloaded the album yesterday due to hearing the title track of the album 'Back to Black' on the radio. I like what I've heard so far, unique artist with a more interesting almost retro vocal style. Some cool female singers emerging here recently, Amy Winehouse, Norah Jones, KT Tunstall...cant stand Lily Allen though .
Another potpourri of musical delight featuring Neil Young unplugged, Pearl Jam live, VAST, Stabbing Westward, Portishead, Radiohead, Rammstein and The Mars Volta...all on a new 'driving in my car' compilation .
Rather pleasing to be going through a 'Rush' phase at the mo'. Began with (finally) a new dvd of NP's 'AWIProgress' (to replace my worn vhs) and culminating in an 80's listening fest, MP, Sig, GUP and now PW's...'Territories' playing the now.
The movie made us laugh and laugh. It has become a family favorite. We are having someone over this Friday for dinner and to watch the movie with us, in fact.