ziggy wrote:awip2062 wrote:Some day I will visit you and you need to share some with me, kay, Bro?
He will Dawn...I know for sure. Ask him also to share some 'kibbeling'.


hahaha....that f**king kibbeling!!! still follows me ?verywhere!
Dunno if ?ny of you know what "kibbeling" is, but here goes...
Besides the raw fish, we sometimes eat fried fish as well...and kibbeling is something like a collectorsname for codfish, which is mainly what kibbeling is all about. Only these are small bits of fried fish with a croquant layer, served in a little plastic box, for example with ravigotte -or garlicsauce...We can ged these at those little snackstands that one often finds out here. Now B is familliar with my love of watersports and that I spend quite some time in Giethoorn, what they also call "Dutch Venice" over here...
This year "Ziggy" and I spent our first vacation together...and of coarse we went to Giethoorn...One particlar morning, we decided to take the boat into the inner canals, to ged some brekkie..And although kibbeling is NOT to be considered as "a good healthy brekkie", we still got some!
I tied the boat to the poles at the side of the canal and the zigster went out to ged us some...first of all she handed me my portion, which I put to the side to take hers as well...Zig got back aboard and off we went...at that time I was in control of the steering and stuff, so I took hold of the outboard and sat down. Adn it was a hot day after all already, but it got even h?tter when I sat down -and you guessed it! yep! right in the middle of this portion of kibbeling....completely forgot that it was still there! ouch!
Well...I got up like a rocket, cleaned what was slightly dirty (on my leg that is..) and ate it never the less...we kinda laughed it off you know? But ehmm...my needs weren't yet satisfied so to say and as we came to the lake I decided that I would fancy a nice cold Magnum icecream...
So if it was either the Magnum, either the kibbeling, the warm weather -or a combination of those three...I endup with a terrible diarrhea, that lasted for four days, hahaha...can you imagine it? me in the tent, cramps all of a sudden, need to GO....having to run for almost half a mile in order to ged to the toiletfacillities? and th?t like f?fteen!!! times a day (and night)....s?per! I wont eat ONE portion of kibbeling anymore for at leasssst a year, I can tell ye that!

* It never got in the way of a great holliday though...* it was awfull, but we still laugh it off...