My wife can't spell Hemi much less know what one is... Naw I moved back into the bedroom on Monday. The weekend was pure Hell.. a couple of times I thought that I was going to die. She did the strangest thing on Monday though. I can't go into any detail here as it might offend someone. Lets just say momma wanted to play, which is twisted because i thought she was mad at me. She said she hated me but was horny. Angry sex is the best I would like to say. But we have been cool since... Just when i got her figgered out, she throws me a curve ball. Its kind of like when you are pissed at someone and then they are nice to me. I can't be pissed anymore. She should have been a physcolgist or a lawyer.
When evil is allowed to compete with good, evil has an emotional populist appeal that wins out unless good men & women stand as a vanguard against abuse.
Soup4Rush wrote:My wife can't spell Hemi much less know what one is... Naw I moved back into the bedroom on Monday. The weekend was pure Hell.. a couple of times I thought that I was going to die. She did the strangest thing on Monday though. I can't go into any detail here as it might offend someone. Lets just say momma wanted to play, which is twisted because i thought she was mad at me. She said she hated me but was horny. Angry sex is the best I would like to say. But we have been cool since... Just when i got her figgered out, she throws me a curve ball. Its kind of like when you are pissed at someone and then they are nice to me. I can't be pissed anymore. She should have been a physcolgist or a lawyer.
bro...angry sex STILL kicks the shit outta NONE. (it was's her way of releasing the stress of wanting to punch you in the neck.) lol